So Fortnite, if you haven’t been living under rock for the
past few months you would have heard of it. But for you rock dwellers there is
a post about the game on this blog all about it because I won’t be explaining a
thing about the game. So now that you’re back from that post we are going to
focus on the battle royal portion of the game or more specifically, its effects
on its players. So almost every media outpost desperately clawing for a scoop
has being saying Fornite makes kids aggressive and violent! Of course some
parents who have kids playing the game are taking everything these shows, blogs
and videos are saying as fact without any look into it. This why we are here
today, see the thing is, these shows, blogs and videos are saying Fortnite is
bad without doing any research into it, if they did they’d find that there is
no real evidence to support this. The real reason you see aggression in people
who play the game is because that’s how the game is played, it is in fact
almost comparable to war, you don’t see people in war with each other going
around prancing through flower fields do you? No, you see them out on the
battle field aggressively fighting. The same can be said for Fortnite and any
other first/third person shooter battle royal game, you aren’t going to win by
playing passive, you’ve got to be aggressive. Another reason people who play
Fortnite are more aggressive is not because of the game, it’s because they
already have that aggression and Fortnite is more appealing to them, whereas
people who are very peaceful and calm prefer different games. And for people
who do actually have a level of aggression that can cause them to harm others,
Fortnite can act as a sort of stress ball. In conclusion Fortnite is not some
evil game that makes people more violent, and in some cases in can be very
beneficial to the player.
Also click this link for the video I got quite a bit of my
evidence from
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