Thursday, May 2, 2013

Weeping For The Kids by Marilyn Gardner: Shared by Emily Cote

This morning I rolled out of bed later than I had anticipated, and already felt irritated with myself for not setting an alarm. Then I looked around my room to see that it looks like a hurricane just blew in. To be honest, I wasn't all that chipper when I woke up, underneath it all is the fact that my last day of high school is next week, and I have to say goodbye to people, and it's scaring me. I've been on the verge of tears for a good part of the week. Then I got on Facebook to check the everyday things that might make me laugh or sometimes just more frustrated than I was before. But then I saw that my Dad's cousin (I call her Aunt but that's another story.) had posted in her blog, and that always interests me, because she's so full of wisdom and I love her perspective on life. When I read this post in particular, I was amazed at God's incredible faithfulness to us, even when things look like they're going all wrong. A look at my generation and how sad it is that the majority of them are rejecting God. But he never leaves us. Even in times of great suffering. If you have a few minutes in your day, please take a look at it. It made me thankful today.

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