The Hunger Games has received criticism galore. Especially
at the more prestigious academy-esque end of the movie critique spectrum, one
stumbles across a lot of negative speculation about the realism of the Hunger
Games. The somewhat rash decision has been made that in such a dangerous and
challenging environment, romance would be the last thing on any of these teen’s
minds. I’m here to scientifically prove these accusations wrong. Let me paint
you a picture:
speaking, the part of the human brain that controls the majority of human
emotions is quite small. The Amygdala is a tiny, almond-sized portion of the
brain that controls emotions from fear, anger, terror, sadness, to yes, even
love. This being the case, we come across a very realistic possibility: a
probable neurological miscommunication.
These teens are placed in an emotionally draining situation. Their lives are
being threatened by their peers. What could be more terrifying? The brain can
only cope with so much emotion. An overload of mental stimuli could result in
complete mental breakdown, let alone a small mistranslation of data. Because of
the overwhelming response the brain is getting from this deadly scenario, it
would be easy for the amygdala to get confused. Thus, the person would believe themselves
to be in love. This is clearly what happened with Katniss and Peeta in that
Oh, but... by the way... I hate the Hunger Games.
I'm glad to see the grand tradition of overanalyzing minor pop culture phenomena hasn't died out in the Journalism circles.